All about content marketing

No industry has tackled content marketing quite as well as the fitness industry. For good reasons: Staying fit and living healthy starts with a mental decision. From incorporating workouts into your busy schedule to believing that you can achieve anything - the right mindset is irreplaceable. That’s where content marketing comes into play: The…

Using Content Marketing to attract more customers? The nutrition and supplementary company Your Superfoods demonstrates how it’s done. I will show you how Your Superfoods uses Content Marketing Strategies by showing various food marketing examples deployed by them to get more people to eat healthy and buy their food products. Buying dietary…

Engagement on your blog proves to new readers that your content is worth reading, plus it also gives you the perfect opportunity to get in contact with your audience and show them that you care. In the long run, invested visitors mean $$ in the bank as they are more likely to buy from you than those who don't know you at all. On the other hand, a…

According to HubSpot, generating traffic and leads is one of the biggest struggle for companies. With 63%, getting people on the website it is actually their number one problem. One approach to tackle this problem, as shown in last week’s blog post, is by starting a company blog. That’s why 53% of marketers say that blog content creation is their…

In today’s world, having a website is essential for a business to make money. Every ever so small business is represented online, from small shops to giant companies. Looking at company websites, we can also see another development: Almost every company has a blog. But is that really necessary? Is a blog essential for a company’s success and if so…