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We all know the phrase "content is king". Content drives the Internet. We write emails, social media posts or ebooks - none of that would be out there without content. A user typically spends around 27 hours online each week, always surrounded by some sort of content. She is on Facebook and one of her friends shared this awesome article about yoga…

As some of you may know, I ended my corporate job a while ago. It was a job I absolutely disliked. I couldn’t identify with the company’s work ethic and morals regarding the way they treated their employees, neither did I like the work I had to do. Thus, leaving the company was the best decision for me. Naturally, I was really scared and insecure…

Yoga is booming in Berlin and there are opening up studios everywhere. Also, it feels like every second person I meet here either is a yoga teacher or is on the verge of becoming one. This is great but sometimes a wide choice makes it hard to find what you like most and to really stick to it. I have visited countless yoga classes in Berlin and have…

The benefits of yoga are manifold. They range from helping to regulate anxiety, to allow for a better sleep and even helping with depression. However, there is always the question: Which of these benefits are really backed up by research? These days, more and more research is going in the area of yoga and health benefits. Today I want to talk with…

I have always been struggling to find that one thing that I am passionate about. There are so many things that I like to do, so many things I want to try and so many careers that I find absolutely fascinating. But all these things were changing constantly. One passion however, never resided: traveling. Ever since my first trip to Australia after…

Right now I am sitting in my favorite Café in Chiang Mai writing this article, sipping my cappuccino, feeling the sun on my face and I am thinking: How can life get any better? Since starting being freelancer my life has had constant ups and downs. One day I would feel super motivated and ready to bring it on, the other day I would sit at my desk…

In April of 2017 we visited Chiang Mai for the first time. We actually already wanted to go there six years ago, however a nasty food poisoning didn’t allow it. This time, we were determined to make it. We booked our accommodation on Airbnb and checked out how to get to Chiang Mai the easiest way. We ended up not taking the easiest way though, as…

So you’re thinking about starting to do yoga? That’s great! First, let me ask you: What led you to do yoga? Was it the search for inner peace, health reasons, or do you want to become more flexible? Whatever it is, you will find it in yoga! I remember when I started yoga years ago, things were so different. Nobody was talking about the hottest yoga…

We are on a mission. Not just any mission: It’s the mission to living an independent and self-determined life. It all started with me being upset with work. I was paid little, had nothing to do at work, yet I was expected to do extra hours just because that’s the way bosses want to see their employees slave away. I felt trapped, I didn’t want to…