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Environmental toxins are all around us. In fact, there are more than 80.000 toxic chemicals that can be grouped into three categories: toxins in the air toxins in food toxins in water Environmental toxins can be found in beauty products, household cleaners, carpets, furniture, mattresses, in meat and veggies, in our water system, and simply in the…

According to the World Health Organization stress, especially work related stress, is one of the major threats to the well-being of Europeans. A lot of the time we blame our genes for the status of our health when really they only account for 5 percent of the symptoms we experience. This shows that the future of our health is not predetermined by…

We all experience stress in our lives whether it is due to high job demands, low-income, problems at home or at work or minor things like a computer breakdown or a traffic jam. While a little stress is certainly harmless, research shows that long-term stress can lead to a number of chronic conditions. For a very long time the pathways between…

What does a healthy diet look like? These days, scientists are pretty sure about two things: First, processed, sugary foods are bad, and second, your diet should contain lots of fiber . Why is that, you’re wondering? Well, the benefits of fiber are manifold. It’s important for digestive health and a regular bowel movement , makes you feel full…

Inflammation is your body's natural response to bacteria, viruses or other pathogens entering your body. It uses inflammation to fight illness and protect it from any harm. Therefore, it's a necessary part of the healing process. However, sometimes the inflammatory response just doesn't stop. That's when acute inflammation becomes chronic…

We have learned already that chronic inflammation is the root cause for many diseases such as heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis or even obesity . Inflammation itself is nothing to worry about. It is our body’s defence mechanism against outside invaders. If the inflammatory response doesn’t stop…

In the last decades, inflammatory diseases such as metabolic disorders, high blood pressure or heart disease, as well as degenerative processes have increased continuously. Along with them have the industrialization of food and the modern lifestyle. This leads to the questions: What causes inflammation? Does the food we eat cause inflammation? And…

Inflammation is your body’s natural healing process when injuries or infections occur. However, if inflammation becomes chronic, these same processes can lead to further tissue injury and damage. Inflammatory diseases like cardiovascular disease, stroke or cancer are the number one cause of death worldwide. Therefore it is immensely important to…

Ok, let’s face it: We’re all getting older. However, some of us are aging way faster than others. Why is that? - you may wonder. Well, recent research has managed to get some answers on that question. While aging is a very complex process, involving many factors such as environmental, genetic and epigenetic , chronic inflammation is at the top of…